Goal-setting Sessions - Forest - October Health

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Goal-setting In The Forest

Welcome to the Forest, where we grow together! Goal-setting is like planting seeds for your future growth. However, sometimes we can get overwhelmed with setting too many goals at once. Let's explore how to set achievable goals that nurture your well-being and lead you on a path to success. ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฑ #mentalhealth #goalsetting #growth

2 days from now @ 19:00
Hosted on Monday by Nthabiseng_C
South Africa
Identity and Intention: Journaling for Mental Clarity and Wellbeing Nthabiseng Chauke โ†’
Discover the transformative power of journaling in this session focused on enhancing mental clarity and overall wellbeing. Explore how journaling can help uncover personal identity, clarify intentions, and foster self-discovery. Nthabiseng is the Founder of Journaling for the Future and a social entrepreneur who is passionate about teaching on the...

3 days from now @ 14:00
Hosted on Tuesday by Marina Wildt
South Africa United States of America
Think Big for a Life without Limits โ†’
Shatter the confines of small thinking and discover strategies to dream boldly, act courageously, and create the life of your grandest visions. Marina Wildt is a wellness coach specialising in trauma, chronic illness, and pain management. She is also the founder of The Discerning You, a platform dedicated to uniting...

6 days from now @ 08:00
Hosted on Saturday by Kaylee Julian
South Africa United States of America
Beyond SMART Goals: Crafting Meaningful and Motivating Objectives โ†’
In this session, participants will learn how to create goals that are not only specific and measurable but also deeply meaningful and inspiring. The focus will be on crafting objectives that fuel motivation and drive long-term success. Kaylee is a counselor with a passion for children, adolescents, but also works...

1 week from now @ 08:00
Hosted on Tuesday by Pertunia Mtsweni
South Africa United States of America
Visualization to Actualization โ†’
From athletes to professionals, mental rehearsal has been proven to enhance performance, boost confidence, and expedite goal attainment. Learn practical techniques to visualize success and cultivate a mindset of possibility. Pertunia is a NLP Practioner and an entrepreneur with a passion for the workings of the mind, mental well-being, holistic...

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