Resilience Sessions - Forest - October Health

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Resilience In The Forest

Hello, welcome to the Forest! Today, let's chat about Resilience. While resilience is a valuable trait that helps us bounce back from challenges, it can sometimes become a problem when we rely too heavily on it and neglect our own well-being. Let's explore how we can nurture our resilience while also taking care of ourselves. 🌳💚 #ForestResilience

1 day from now @ 08:00
Hosted on Wednesday by Marina Wildt
South Africa United States of America
Growth Happens in Tough Situations
In this session, explore how life’s hardest moments often lead to the most significant growth. Learn to embrace challenges as opportunities for transformation and new perspectives Heal with Marina is a wellness coach specialising in trauma, chronic illness, and pain management. She is also the founder of The Discerning You,...

3 days from now @ 08:00
Hosted on Friday by Allan Sweidan
South Africa
Forvis Mazars Closed Forest | Creating Safe Spaces: Encouraging Open Dialogue Between Employees and Leaders
Discover strategies on how to effectively communicate with leaders and employees to create a more supportive environment. Learn how to foster positive interactions and build a culture of open communication. About Lynette: Lynette is a CA (SA) and Registered Auditor with a passion for life, people, mentoring and the audit...

1 week from now @ 08:00
Hosted on Wednesday by Sasha Talia
South Africa United States of America
Unlocking Hidden Strengths Within You
In this session, explore how to uncover the inner strengths you didn’t know you had. Learn how to tap into resilience and courage during tough moments to keep moving forward. Sasha is a counselor. Her purpose is to guide people to be the best versions of themselves and break the...

1 week from now @ 20:00
Hosted on Friday by Sizwe Savale
South Africa United States of America
Mind Over Matter
Understand how neuroplasticity can help you build long-term resilience. This session explores the science behind rewiring your brain to handle stress, adversity, and challenges more effectively, creating a mindset of resilience. Sizwe is a dedicated social worker with a deep passion for creating positive change in the lives of those...

2 weeks from now @ 23:00
Hosted on Thursday by Casey Feicht
South Africa United States of America
When Pressure Fuels Your Boldest Growth
In this session, discover how pressure can push you to achieve your greatest potential. Learn how to channel stress into determination and rise to life’s challenges with boldness. Casey Feicht is a Master Certified NLP Coach and Life and Health Wellness Coach with over twenty years of experience, blending coaching,...

2 weeks from now @ 20:00
Hosted on Friday by CJ Nel
South Africa United States of America
Finding Stability Amid Rapid Change
In this session, explore strategies to stay grounded when life feels chaotic. Learn how to embrace change with confidence and create stability, even when the world around you shifts. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also has a passion for employee assistance...

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