GBV Sessions - Forest - October Health

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GBV In The Forest

Hey there, Forest friends! Today, let's talk about Gender-Based Violence (GBV). It's an important topic to discuss because it can affect anyone regardless of gender and can have serious impacts on mental health and well-being. Remember, you're not alone in this journey, and supporting each other is key to creating a safe and caring environment in the Forest. Let's learn together and help each other thrive! 🌿 #ForestCommunity #EndGBV

5 days from now @ 20:00
Hosted on Thursday by Sizwe Savale
South Africa United States of America
Ending GBV: Men’s Crucial Role in Creating a Safer Society
This session delves into understanding masculinity, promoting respectful relationships, challenging harmful stereotypes, and supporting survivors. Join us to discuss actionable steps men can take to contribute to the eradication of GBV and promote a culture of respect and equality. Xavien Myles, a South African performer and activist, uses dance to...

6 days from now @ 14:00
Hosted on Friday by Danielle Goede
South Africa United States of America
Breaking the Silence: Understanding Gender-Based Violence
Dive deep into the complexities of gender-based violence (GBV) to understand its root causes and widespread impact. This session will explore societal, cultural, and individual factors that perpetuate GBV and discuss effective ways to foster dialogue and prevention. Danielle Goede is an HR professional with a passion for Employee wellness,...

1 week from now @ 13:00
Hosted on Sunday by Danielle Goede
South Africa United States of America
Recognizing the Unseen: Identifying Subtle Forms of Gender-Based Violence
Explore the often-overlooked and subtle forms of gender-based violence that can be just as damaging as physical abuse. This session aims to educate participants on recognizing signs of emotional, psychological, and digital GBV, helping those in denial see the reality of their situations Danielle Goede is an HR professional with...

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