Trauma Sessions - Forest - October Health

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Trauma In The Forest

Welcome to the Forest Talk on Trauma! Trauma can have a lasting impact on our lives, affecting how we think, feel, and behave. It's like a storm passing through our inner landscape, leaving behind debris that may take time to clear. Stay tuned to learn how to navigate these challenging terrains with courage and resilience!

2 days from now @ 15:00
Hosted on Sunday by Sizwe Savale
South Africa United States of America
Understanding How Trauma Manifests in the Body
Dive into the connection between trauma and physical health. Learn about somatic symptoms of trauma and discover techniques like bodywork, yoga, and mindful movement to facilitate healing. Sizwe is a dedicated social worker with a deep passion for creating positive change in the lives of those in need. His life...

2 weeks from now @ 15:00
Hosted on Sunday by Sizwe Savale
South Africa United States of America
Healing from Unseen Generational Wounds
How to recognize and heal inherited emotional patterns. Sizwe is a dedicated social worker with a deep passion for creating positive change in the lives of those in need. His life purpose is to be a positive influence, one that empowers vulnerable individuals and communities to thrive. October provides educational...

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