Neurodiversity Sessions - Forest - October Health

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Neurodiversity In The Forest

Welcome to the Forest, where we celebrate diversity in all its forms, including neurodiversity! Neurodiversity refers to the wide range of neurological differences that individuals may have, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more. Embracing neurodiversity helps us understand and appreciate the unique perspectives and strengths that each individual brings. However, challenges may arise when societal norms and expectations do not accommodate or recognize these differences. Let's explore how we can support and uplift all members of our diverse Forest community together!

4 days from now @ 14:00
Hosted on Wednesday by ShenaazMoos
South Africa United States of America
Together Stronger: Building Supportive Communities in Neurodiverse Families
This session offers practical strategies for creating inclusive environments, fostering understanding among family members and peers. Learn how to advocate for your neurodiverse loved ones, build resilience within your family unit, and create a network of support that celebrates neurodiversity. Shenaaz is a registered counselor who is passionate about increasing...

1 week from now @ 11:00
Hosted on Saturday by Pertunia Mtsweni
South Africa United States of America
ADHD Unmasked: Understanding and Embracing Adult ADHD
A comprehensive look at ADHD in adults, from diagnosis to daily management. This session provides insights into the strengths and challenges of living with ADHD and offers strategies for leveraging ADHD traits in both personal and professional settings. Pertunia is a NLP Practioner and an entrepreneur with a passion for...

1 week from now @ 10:00
Hosted on Monday by CJ Nel
South Africa United States of America
Neurodiversity Unpacked: Embracing Brain Differences
Discover the rich tapestry of neurodiversity and its importance in fostering inclusive communities and workplaces. Learn how embracing diverse neurological conditions like autism, ADHD, and dyslexia can lead to innovative thinking and creativity CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. Within his journey as...

1 week from now @ 13:00
Hosted on Tuesday by Shani_SEZ
South Africa
Monthly Support Group for Parents of Autistic Individuals with Desirae Pillay & Shani Lits
This session is designed to provide understanding, guidance, and a sense of community to parents navigating the unique challenges and joys of raising autistic children. About Desirae and Shani Desirae is in full-time ministry for families who have a child or spouse with special needs and for women who have...

1 week from now @ 23:00
Hosted on Thursday by Steph D
South Africa United States of America
Neurodiversity Unpacked: Embracing Brain Differences
Discover the rich tapestry of neurodiversity and its importance in fostering inclusive communities and workplaces. Learn how embracing diverse neurological conditions like autism, ADHD, and dyslexia can lead to innovative thinking and creativity Stephanie De Flora is a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach and 500-hour certified yoga and...

1 week from now @ 14:00
Hosted on Friday by Reoikantse Shadi
South Africa United States of America
Understanding OCD
This session provides an in-depth understanding of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Participants will explore the various manifestations of OCD, learn about common obsessions and compulsions, and discuss evidence-based interventions for managing and treating the disorder Reo is a registered counselor with a passion for trauma psychology. Her life purpose is to...

2 weeks from now @ 18:00
Hosted on Sunday by Lyr Weltsman
South Africa United States of America
Parenting the Neurodivergent Child: Strategies for Nurturing Strengths
Navigate the unique challenges and rewards of raising a neurodivergent child with practical strategies for fostering their talents and supporting their growth. Lyr Weltsman is a child, adolescent, and family counselor with a passion and specializations in CBT, anxiety, family and parental counseling, and mood disorders. October provides educational and...

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