Addiction Sessions - Forest - October Health

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Addiction In The Forest

Welcome to the Forest! Today, let's chat about Addiction. Addiction can sneak into our lives, making things seem out of control. Remember, it's okay to seek help and support from others to navigate through this journey. Let's explore together how to overcome challenges with addiction in a supportive and caring environment. 💚🌿 #ForestChat

3 days from now @ 17:00
Hosted on Tuesday by Mbali Mashaba
South Africa United States of America
The Road to Recovery from Addiction
Embark on a journey to sobriety with guidance on navigating challenges, accessing support systems, and finding hope along the path to recovery. About Mbali: Mbali a is a Registered Counsellor with a passion for supporting teenagers, parents and working with trauma. Her life purpose is to be a positive and...

6 days from now @ 01:00
Hosted on Saturday by Zoila Bartra
South Africa United States of America
Building a Sobriety Support System
This session will delve into how strategically developing a supportive community of people on the same recovery journey is integral to maintaining long-term sobriety. About Zoila: Zoila is a dedicated and compassionate Peer Specialist with extensive experience and a strong trained foundation in overcoming grief, anxiety, addiction, and other mental...

1 week from now @ 16:00
Hosted on Saturday by Carrie Hickman
South Africa United States of America
The Pursuit of Recovery: Personal Stories of Triumph and Resilience
Join Carrie as she discusses how she overcame addiction and her powerful journey of recovery. Her personal stories will provide insights into the challenges, setbacks, and triumphs of the recovery process, inspiring hope and highlighting the importance of support systems and resilience. About Carrie: Carrie Hickman is a wellness strategist...

1 week from now @ 11:00
Hosted on Sunday by Gomphemetse Shawa
South Africa United States of America
Beyond the First Sip: Idenitfying the Subtle Shift from Pleasure to Dependency
In the complex ecosystem of addiction, it's crucial to recognize the thin line where occasional indulgence turns into dependency. This article explores the early warning signs and psychological cues that indicate when "one" might already be too many. About Gomphemetse: Gomphemetse is a psychosocial support worker with a passion for...

1 week from now @ 17:00
Hosted on Wednesday by Micaela Kotzé
South Africa United States of America
Is It Just a Habit? Recognizing the Signs of Addiction
Explore the fine line between a bad habit and addiction. This session is designed for anyone questioning their relationship with substances, offering insights into recognizing addiction signs and the steps to take toward a healthier lifestyle About Micaela: Micaela is a Registered Wellness Counsellor who is passionate about helping people...

1 week from now @ 17:00
Hosted on Friday by CJ Nel
South Africa United States of America
Evening Rituals: Replacing Cravings with Constructive Habits
Learn how to transform your evening routine with activities that fulfill and distract from cravings. This workshop offers creative alternatives to substance use, helping you build a relaxing and rewarding end to your day that supports sobriety. About CJ: CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counsellor with over two years of...

2 weeks from now @ 16:00
Hosted on Saturday by Carrie Hickman
South Africa United States of America
Understanding Your Triggers: A Guide to Self-Awareness in Recovery
Join us for a deep dive into self-awareness and trigger management. This session will help you identify personal triggers and teach effective coping strategies, essential for anyone on the journey to recovery or questioning their substance use. About Carrie: Carrie Hickman is a wellness strategist that specialises in increasing awareness...

2 weeks from now @ 17:00
Hosted on Thursday by Luna (October AI)
South Africa United States of America
The Role of Support Networks in Battling Addiction
Discover the critical role that support networks play in successful addiction recovery. Learn how to build and maintain a supportive community, including family, friends, and recovery groups, to help sustain long-term sobriety. About Carrie: Carrie Hickman is a wellness strategist that specialises in increasing awareness around mental wellness strategies, development...

2 weeks from now @ 16:00
Hosted on Friday by Reoikantse Shadi
South Africa United States of America
Navigating Recovery: Strategies for Overcoming Addiction
Learn about the challenges and strategies of addiction recovery, including managing cravings, rebuilding relationships, and maintaining sobriety. This session offers support and guidance for those at any stage of their recovery journey. About Reo: Reo is a registered counselor with a passion for trauma psychology. Her life purpose is to...

2 weeks from now @ 00:00
Hosted on Saturday by Adam Yasmin
South Africa United States of America
Winning the Battle Against Digital Addiction for Your Kids
In today's digital world, screens are everywhere – TVs, smartphones, tablets, computers. Join us to learn practical strategies to break your family's screen addiction cycle. Adam will provide a step-by-step game plan to reclaim your kids from the clutches of digital obs About Adam: Adam is a former UX designer...

3 weeks from now @ 16:00
Hosted on Friday by Carrie Hickman
South Africa United States of America
The Road to Recovery from Addiction
Embark on a journey to sobriety with guidance on navigating challenges, accessing support systems, and finding hope along the path to recovery. About Carrie: Carrie Hickman is a wellness strategist that specialises in increasing awareness around mental wellness strategies, development and growth. Her expertise lie in creating personal and unique...

4 weeks from now @ 18:00
Hosted on Sunday by Carrie Hickman
South Africa United States of America
Conquer the Crave: Winning Your Battle Against Evening Temptations
Evenings and weekends can often intensify the struggle with addiction, as structure fades and triggers become more prevalent. Learn strategies for creating healthy evening routines, discover ways to redirect the mind from cravings, and find solace in activities that promote well-being. About Carrie: Carrie Hickman is a wellness strategist that...

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