Burnout Sessions - Forest - October Health

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Burnout In The Forest

Introduction to Burnout in the Forest: Hello, fellow Forest-dwellers! Today let's talk about that sneaky villain we all know too well - Burnout. It's like an unwanted guest that overstays its welcome, draining our energy and enthusiasm. Let's explore how to tackle Burnout together and reclaim our inner spark! 🌿🌳✨

7 hours from now @ 13:00
Hosted on Saturday by Reoikantse Shadi
South Africa United States of America
The Burnout Paradox: More Rest, More Productivity
Explore the paradoxical relationship between rest and productivity. This session reveals how strategic breaks and downtime can boost efficiency and prevent burnout. Reo is a registered counselor with a passion for trauma psychology. Her life purpose is to destigmatize and raise awareness towards understanding suicidology and addiction. October provides educational...

1 day from now @ 13:00
Hosted on Sunday by Pertunia Mtsweni
South Africa United States of America
From Burnout to Balance: Creating Personal Wellness Routines
Learn to create and maintain personal wellness routines that prevent burnout. This session provides insights into daily practices that support physical, mental, and emotional health. Pertunia is a NLP Practioner and an entrepreneur with a passion for the workings of the mind, mental well-being, holistic wellness, and the world of...

2 days from now @ 13:00
Hosted on Monday by Nancy Kashimoto
South Africa United States of America
Mindful Productivity: Achieving More with Less Stress
Learn how mindfulness practices can enhance productivity while reducing stress. This session provides techniques for integrating mindfulness into your daily routine to achieve a balanced, efficient workflow. Nancy is a dedicated registered counselor, with a keen interest in understanding the deep influence of trauma on our day-to-day lives and relationships....

4 days from now @ 00:00
Hosted on Thursday by Liliana Penaranda
South Africa United States of America
Recognizing the Signs of Burnout
This session will help you identify the physical, emotional, and behavioral indicators of burnout. Learn to distinguish between regular stress and burnout, and understand the importance of addressing it early. Liliana became a Certified Recovery Peer Specialist as a result of investing years in encouraging and helping others overcome dysfunction...

1 week from now @ 13:00
Hosted on Monday by Micaela Kotzé
South Africa United States of America
Finding Balance: Work-Life Integration
In this session, you'll learn practical strategies to achieve a healthier work-life balance. Discover techniques for setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and creating a sustainable routine that aligns with your values and goals. Micaela is a Registered Wellness Counselor who is passionate about helping people navigate their way through life’s troubles...

1 week from now @ 22:00
Hosted on Wednesday by Sizwe Savale
South Africa United States of America
Burnout-Proof Your Career: Future-Proofing Strategies
In our rapidly changing world, burnout is an increasing risk. This session equips you with future-proofing strategies to burnout-proof your career and cultivate long-term fulfillment. Sizwe is a dedicated social worker with a deep passion for creating positive change in the lives of those in need. His life purpose is...

2 weeks from now @ 09:00
Hosted on Saturday by Thando Msimango
South Africa United States of America
The Burnout Paradox: More Rest, More Productivity
Explore the paradoxical relationship between rest and productivity. This session reveals how strategic breaks and downtime can boost efficiency and prevent burnout. Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development and academia. She has a great interest in indigenous knowledge and...

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