Diversity & Inclusion Sessions - Forest - October Health

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Diversity & Inclusion In The Forest

Welcome to the Forest, a place where diversity and inclusion thrive like the lush foliage! Embracing diversity means recognizing and celebrating the unique backgrounds, experiences, and identities of each tree in our forest. However, sometimes challenges can arise when diversity is not fully understood or appreciated. Let's explore how fostering a culture of inclusion can help all our trees grow tall and strong together!

3 days from now @ 11:00
Hosted on Wednesday by Marina Wildt
South Africa United States of America
Addressing Unconscious Bias: Awareness and Action
Gain insights into identifying and addressing unconscious biases that can impact decision-making and interactions. This session covers strategies for increasing self-awareness and implementing practices to reduce bias in the workplace. Heal with Marina is a wellness coach specialising in trauma, chronic illness, and pain management. She is also the founder...

1 week from now @ 11:00
Hosted on Wednesday by Danielle Goede
South Africa United States of America
Inclusive Leadership: Driving Change from the Top Down
Explore the role of leadership in fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion. Learn strategies for leaders to model inclusive behaviors, implement equitable policies, and drive organizational change that embraces diversity at all levels. Danielle Goede is an HR professional with a passion for Employee wellness, Leadership Development, Diversity, Inclusion,...

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