Disability Sessions - Forest - October Health

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Disability In The Forest

Hello and welcome to the Forest! Today, we're going to explore the topic of Disability in a light and friendly manner. Disability can present challenges in various aspects of life, but remember, you are not defined by your disability. Let's discuss how we can navigate these challenges together with understanding and support.

6 days from now @ 19:00
Hosted on Saturday by Reoikantse Shadi
South Africa
Support Group for Caregivers and Family Members of Individuals with Disabilities with Bulelwa Mahura
Caring for a disabled loved one can be a rewarding yet challenging journey, often accompanied by a range of emotions, responsibilities, and unique circumstances. This support group aims to provide a compassionate and understanding environment where you can find solace, empathy, and practical guidance. Bulelwa Mahura is a social worker...

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