LGBTQIA Sessions - Forest - October Health

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LGBTQIA In The Forest

In the Forest, we celebrate and support all members of the LGBTQIA+ community! Diversity and inclusivity are core values here. Sometimes, navigating challenges related to gender identity, sexual orientation, or societal norms can be tough, but remember you're not alone in this journey. Let's explore and embrace your authentic self together!

1 day from now @ 15:00
Hosted on Sunday by Danielle Goede
South Africa United States of America
Parenting LGBTQ Kids: A Supportive Journey
As more kids identify across the LGBTQ spectrum, this session offers guidance for parents and families navigating this experience through open conversations, education, and building affirmative environments. Danielle Goede is an HR professional with a passion for Employee wellness, Leadership Development, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging. Her life purpose is to...

4 days from now @ 11:00
Hosted on Wednesday by Nancy Kashimoto
South Africa United States of America
A Room of Our Own: Creating LGBTQIA+ Spaces
The importance of LGBTQIA+ affinity spaces where people can gather, connect, and find solidarity through shared experiences. Learn considerations for cultivating these inclusive communities. Nancy is a dedicated registered counselor, with a keen interest in understanding the deep influence of trauma on our day-to-day lives and relationships. October provides educational...

1 week from now @ 17:00
Hosted on Saturday by Pertunia Mtsweni
South Africa United States of America
Parenting LGBTQ Kids: A Supportive Journey
As more kids identify across the LGBTQ spectrum, this session offers guidance for parents and families navigating this experience through open conversations, education, and building affirmative environments. Pertunia is a NLP Practioner and an entrepreneur with a passion for the workings of the mind, mental well-being, holistic wellness, and the...

1 week from now @ 18:00
Hosted on Sunday by Lulama Mokoena
South Africa United States of America
Monthly LGBTQIA+ Support Group
How do gender identity and sexual preferences impact our mental health? Let's talk about being part of the LGBTQIA+ community and seeking mental health services. Lulama is a Psychosocial Support Counselor at Queerwell. Her passion and work are driven by the desire to raise awareness of diversity, fostering a community...

1 week from now @ 11:00
Hosted on Friday by Reoikantse Shadi
South Africa United States of America
Love Loudly: Becoming a Champion for Your LGBTQI Family
Gain insights into how to support LGBTQI family members through education on identities and challenges. This session provides tools for creating an inclusive home environment and navigating sensitive conversations with empathy and understanding Reo is a registered counselor with a passion for trauma psychology. Her life purpose is to destigmatize...

2 weeks from now @ 20:00
Hosted on Saturday by Lulama Mokoena
South Africa United States of America
Parenting LGBTQ Kids: A Supportive Journey
As more kids identify across the LGBTQ spectrum, this session offers guidance for parents and families navigating this experience through open conversations, education, and building affirmative environments. Lulama is a Psychosocial Support Counselor at Queerwell. Her passion and work are driven by the desire to raise awareness of diversity, fostering...

2 weeks from now @ 14:00
Hosted on Sunday by Thando Msimango
South Africa United States of America
Beyond Binaries: The Rise of Non-Binary Visibility
Join us to explore the increasing visibility and acceptance of non-binary identities. This session discusses the cultural, social, and legal impacts of recognizing and respecting non-binary individuals Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development and academia. She has a great...

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