Managing Anger Sessions - Forest - October Health

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Managing Anger In The Forest

Welcome to the Forest, where we explore the depths of our emotions and learn to navigate the tangled paths of our minds. Today, let's talk about managing anger - a fiery emotion that can sometimes feel like a wild beast we struggle to tame. Remember, in the Forest, we support each other through the thickets of our emotions and find ways to nurture our inner peace. Let's walk this journey together as we learn to manage our anger with grace and understanding.

22 hours from now @ 08:00
Hosted on Sunday by Lyr Weltsman
South Africa United States of America
Practicing Awareness and Intentionality
Learn how to cultivate a conscious approach to managing finances by incorporating mindfulness techniques. The session focuses on developing awareness and purposeful decision-making to reduce financial stress. About Lyr: Lyr is a child, adolescent, and family counsellor with a passion and specializations in CBT, anxiety, family and parental counseling, and...

2 weeks from now @ 13:00
Hosted on Tuesday by Reoikantse Shadi
South Africa United States of America
From Frustration to Focus: Transforming Negative Emotions into Positive Outcomes
Learn how to turn moments of frustration and anger into opportunities for growth and focus. This session will teach techniques for channeling negative emotions into actions that lead to positive changes and personal success About Reo: Reo is a registered counselor with a passion for trauma psychology. Her life purpose...

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