Overcoming the Sunday Scaries - October Health

1 day from now 2024-05-05 20:00

Overcoming the Sunday Scaries

Forest Session Title: "Reframing Negative Thought Patterns for Improved Well-being" Session Description: This session offers strategies to transform negative thought patterns into a more positive outlook, promoting mental well-being. Participants will learn techniques to shift perspectives and enhance resilience against depressive tendencies. About Gomphometse: Gomphemetse is a dedicated psychosocial support worker with a profound commitment to unveiling life's hidden treasures. Her mission is to empower individuals to discover freedom, strength, resilience, autonomy, and self-love within themselves. Important Reminder: October provides educational and supportive content. It is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It’s crucial to seek help from a licensed healthcare provider for clinical needs. In emergencies, please contact your nearest emergency department or use the emergency button on the app.

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Hosted By
Gomphemetse Shawa
Host Rating
South Africa
United States of America

Your Forest guide

What will we cover?

Transforming negative thought patterns for mental well-being.
This session assists in transforming negative thought patterns by providing strategies to shift perspectives towards a more positive outlook, fostering mental well-being.
Shifting perspectives to promote resilience against depressive tendencies.
The session offers strategies to transform negative thought patterns, helping individuals build resilience and promote mental well-being.
Discovering freedom, strength, resilience, autonomy, and self-love within.
This session provides strategies to transform negative thought patterns, leading to a more positive outlook and empowering individuals to discover freedom, strength, resilience, autonomy, and self-love within themselves.
Empowering individuals to unveil life's hidden treasures for growth.
This session equips individuals with tools to transform negative thoughts, fostering a positive mindset and resilience, paving the path to uncovering personal growth opportunities.

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