Workplace Connect: Bridging the Communication Gap Between Managers... - October Health

2 weeks from now 2024-05-20 08:00

Workplace Connect: Bridging the Communication Gap Between Managers and staff

"In this session, we will delve into the communication obstacles between leaders, managers, and employees. Attendees will gain insights into improving transparency, building trust, and promoting collaboration across all levels to unify the organization. About Michelle Goldner: Michelle Goldner, a Mind-Body Therapist and Neuroscience Coach, offers a comprehensive blend of therapies to support personal growth. Remember, October offers educational content and support only. It is not a substitute for professional help. If you have clinical concerns, it is crucial to seek assistance from a licensed healthcare provider. In emergencies, please contact your nearest emergency department or access our emergency button in the top right-hand corner of the app."

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What will we cover?

Improve transparency and trust.
Attending "Workplace Connect" with Michelle Goldner can help improve transparency and trust by offering insights and strategies to enhance communication and foster collaboration within organizations.
Enhance communication between leaders and employees.
This session helps enhance communication between leaders and employees by providing insights into improving transparency, trust, and collaboration within the organization.
Foster collaboration to unify the organization.
In "Workplace Connect: Bridging the Communication Gap Between Managers and Staff," attendees will gain insights on improving transparency and trust to foster collaboration and unify the organization.
Gain insights to bridge communication gaps in the workplace.
Attending the "Workplace Connect" session with Michelle Goldner can help you understand how to improve communication and collaboration within your organization.