CJ Nel in the Forest - October Health

CJ Nel

Are you a fan of CJ Nel? Here are all the upcoming sessions for you to join!

1 day from now // 2024-09-09 12:00
Mindful Moments
In this daily 15-minute session, we invite you to take a break from the demands of your day and join us to reconnect, recharge, and reset your mind and body. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also has a passion for employee...

1 day from now // 2024-09-09 12:15
Mindful Living
Discover practical mindfulness techniques to enhance your daily life, manage stress, and improve overall well-being by staying grounded in the present. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also has a passion for employee assistance programs and assisting individuals with career progression. October...

2 days from now // 2024-09-10 10:00
What does High Functioning Anxiety look like?
Gain insight into the characteristics of high functioning anxiety and learn how to recognize and manage it effectively for improved well-being. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also has a passion for employee assistance programs and assisting individuals with career progression. October...

2 days from now // 2024-09-10 18:00
Monthly Support Group for Navigating Grief and Ambiguous Loss
This group recognizes that grief is a non-linear, often complex journey, especially when facing losses that are less defined or remain unresolved. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counsellor with over two years of counselling experience. Within his journey as a counsellor CJ has gained a deep understanding and experience of...

3 days from now // 2024-09-11 15:00
Suicide Prevention: Addressing Trauma
Explore the link between traumatic experiences and an increased risk of suicide. This session will delve into the impact of trauma on mental health and discuss therapeutic approaches to healing. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also has a passion for employee...

5 days from now // 2024-09-13 10:00
Stress Management for High Achievers
Learn specific techniques for managing stress tailored to high achievers. This session covers time management, relaxation practices, and mindset shifts to help you achieve your goals without compromising your well-being. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also has a passion for employee...

6 days from now // 2024-09-14 09:00
Signs of Adrenal Fatigue
Learn to recognize the signs of adrenal fatigue and explore holistic approaches to restore balance and vitality. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also has a passion for employee assistance programs and assisting individuals with career progression. October provides educational and supportive...

1 week from now // 2024-09-16 12:00
Mindful Moments
In this daily 15-minute session, we invite you to take a break from the demands of your day and join us to reconnect, recharge, and reset your mind and body. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also has a passion for employee...

1 week from now // 2024-09-16 12:15
Mindful Self-Compassion: Embracing Yourself with Kindness
This session teaches how to treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend. Learn exercises to cultivate self-compassion and reduce self-criticism. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also has a passion for employee assistance programs and assisting...

1 week from now // 2024-09-17 12:00
Mindful Moments
In this daily 15-minute session, we invite you to take a break from the demands of your day and join us to reconnect, recharge, and reset your mind and body. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also has a passion for employee...

1 week from now // 2024-09-17 12:15
Mindfulness in Action
Uncover the secrets to cultivating a mindful mindset, enhancing emotional intelligence, and finding balance in a fast-paced world. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also has a passion for employee assistance programs and assisting individuals with career progression. October provides educational and...

1 week from now // 2024-09-19 15:00
Suicide Prevention: The Role of Schools
Explore how schools can play a vital role in suicide prevention through education, support services, and crisis intervention. This session will highlight effective programs and policies that make a difference. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also has a passion for employee...

1 week from now // 2024-09-20 13:00
New Country, New Life: Thriving Abroad
Discover strategies to navigate the complexities of living abroad, from cultural adaptation to building a new support network, while embracing the adventure of your new environment. Learn practical tips for overcoming homesickness, language barriers, and maintaining well-being to ensure a smooth and enriching transition. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor...

1 week from now // 2024-09-21 10:00
Breathwork for Stress Relief: Simple Techniques to Practice Anywhere
Explore the benefits of breathwork for reducing stress and improving mental clarity. Discuss and practice simple breathing exercises, such as deep belly breathing, box breathing, and alternate nostril breathing, that can be done anytime, anywhere. CJ is a HPCSA Registered Counselor with over two years of counseling experience. CJ also...