Understanding Mental Health First Aid: A... - October Health

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Understanding Mental Health First Aid: A Beginner's Guide

Understanding mental health first aid is essential in creating a supportive and safe environment in the workplace. Just as physical first aid helps to assist a person experiencing a sudden illness or injury, mental health first aid is concerned with offering initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Below is a beginner's guide to understanding the fundamentals of mental health first aid and how it can be applied.

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Mental health first aid (MHFA) is the help provided to a person developing a mental health issue, such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse, or who is in a mental health crisis, like panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, or self-harm behaviors, until appropriate professional treatment is received or the crisis is resolved.

The Aims of Mental Health First Aid

The main goals of MHFA are to:

  • Preserve Life: When a person may be a danger to themselves or others.
  • Provide Help: To prevent the mental health issue from becoming more severe.
  • Promote Recovery: Encourage the understanding of mental health issues and support recovery.
  • Prevent Stigmatization: Through increased awareness and understanding.

The ALGEE Action Plan

Mental Health First Aid training often includes the ALGEE action plan, which is a mnemonic device to help remember the steps to take when offering MHFA:

  • A: Assess for risk of suicide or harm. When you suspect someone is in crisis, it's important to assess their safety and the risk of suicide or harm.

  • L: Listen non-judgmentally. It's crucial to approach the person with respect and without judgment. This promotes trust and can encourage the person to speak about their thoughts and feelings.

  • G: Give reassurance and information. Providing reassurance can help to calm and support the person. Sharing information about mental health can also help them understand what they are experiencing.

  • E: Encourage appropriate professional help. This may include suggesting that the person contact their healthcare provider, a mental health professional or a helpline. As employees have access to October, recommending digital group sessions or assessments available through the platform can be very useful.

  • E: Encourage self-help and other support strategies. Suggesting self-help strategies and support from friends, family, or peers can be beneficial. The individual could also explore October's content about mental health for additional guidance.

The Importance of Non-Judgmental Listening

Listening is a key aspect of mental health first aid. Here are a few tips for active, non-judgmental listening:

  • Be attentive and calm.
  • Express empathy and compassion.
  • Validate the person's feelings.
  • Avoid offering too much advice initially.

Promoting Recovery and Support

Being proactive in promoting recovery is an essential part of MHFA. You can encourage individuals to:

  • Explore different therapy options through October.
  • Participate in mindfulness or stress-reduction programs available.
  • Make use of work-life balance programs your workplace may offer.

Minimizing Risks

Assessing risk involves being vigilant for signs of immediate danger, particularly in crisis situations like suicidal behavior. It's crucial to:

  • Ask direct questions about suicidal thoughts or plans.
  • Stay with the person or ensure they're in a safe environment.
  • Guide them towards immediate professional support if necessary.

Resources and Professional Support

Being aware of the professional support and resources available is vital. As individuals with October, employees can:

  • Engage with October's digital group sessions for community support.
  • Use October's resources for self-assessment to understand their mental health status.
  • Access immediate help through October's emergency support options if in crisis.


Mental Health First Aid is a compassionate and practical response to the growing need for mental health support in our communities, especially workplaces. By understanding and applying the ALGEE action plan, anyone can offer meaningful support to individuals who may be experiencing mental health challenges. With October, employees have added resources to not only seek help for themselves but to better support their colleagues in times of need.

Remember, mental health first aid does not replace professional help but serves as a bridge to keep individuals safe and supported until further help can be obtained. With the right knowledge and skills, we can all contribute to a mentally healthier, more understanding, and supportive community.

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