Providing Mental Support To Staff Workin... - October Health

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Providing Mental Support To Staff Working From Home

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a seismic shift in the way many people work, with the majority of employees now working from home. While this transition has enabled many to continue their work with minimal disruption, it has also presented many new challenges, especially when it comes to mental health.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recognised the importance of looking after our mental wellbeing during this pandemic and has urged employers to take measures to ensure the mental health of their staff is supported. Here are some tips on how to provide mental health support to staff working from home:

Create an Open and Supportive Environment

It’s important to create an open and supportive environment for staff to discuss any mental health issues they may be experiencing. Ensure staff feel comfortable talking about their mental health and provide them with the necessary resources and support to do so. This could include offering regular check-ins, encouraging open dialogue and providing access to mental health support services.

Encourage Breaks

Working from home can often make it difficult to establish a healthy work-life balance, as the lines between work and home become blurred. Make sure staff take regular breaks throughout the day, and encourage them to take part in activities which help them to relax and unwind. This could include practising mindfulness or yoga, taking a walk outside or simply taking some time away from their screens.

Offer Flexible Working Hours

One of the benefits of working from home is the ability to be more flexible with working hours. Consider allowing staff to start and end their day at a time which suits them. This could help staff to better manage their work-life balance and reduce stress levels.

Ensure Effective Communication

Regular communication with staff is essential when working from home. Make sure you provide clear and timely updates on changes to the company, and encourage staff to keep in touch with their colleagues and managers. This could include using video conferencing software such as Zoom or Skype, or setting up an online messaging platform.

Encourage Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good mental health, and particularly important for those working from home. Encourage staff to take regular breaks throughout the day to do some exercise, such as going for a walk or doing an online workout.

Provide Mental Health Resources

Provide staff with access to mental health resources, and ensure they are aware of any support services available. This could include providing information on hotlines or online resources such as mental health apps or websites.

Monitor Employee Wellbeing

It’s important to regularly monitor the wellbeing of your staff. This could include carrying out surveys to get feedback on how staff are feeling and setting up mental health check-ins.

Encourage Social Interaction

Social interaction is important for maintaining good mental health, and this can be particularly difficult when working from home. Encourage staff to keep in touch with their colleagues and family members, and to take part in online social activities such as virtual coffee breaks or online quizzes.

By taking measures to provide mental health support to staff working from home, you can help to ensure their wellbeing is maintained during this challenging time. Employers should take measures to provide...

How October can help?

October - Mental Healthcare App

Supporting Staff Mental Well-Being When They Work From Home

  • Proactive online group therapy to help staff connect and support each other
  • Access to a large content library of resources related to mental well-being
  • Self-assessments to check in with their mental health
  • Book one-on-one sessions with a therapist to provide support and guidance

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