Lesson 2: Mental Toughness, Mindset And... - October Health

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Lesson 2: Mental Toughness, Mindset And Grit

In the world of mental fitness, akin to physical fitness, we focus on developing strength not just of body but of mind. At October Health, we embrace the Performance Psychology approach, which includes key tenets designed to build a resilient, empowered, and mentally fit individual. Today, we delve into one of the core pillars of Performance Psychology: Mental Toughness, Mindset, and Grit.

Understanding Mental Toughness, Mindset, and Grit

Mental Toughness refers to the resilience and strength that individuals possess to push through challenges, adversity, and pressure in any situation. It's about maintaining your cool and clarity of thought even under stress.

Mindset, on the other hand, is your collection of beliefs and attitudes towards life, challenges, and your own abilities. A high agency mindset, one aspect of Performance Psychology, emphasizes the belief in one's power to influence outcomes.

Grit is the passionate perseverance towards long-term goals, maintaining effort and interest over years despite failure, adversity, and plateaus in progress.

How to Practice and Implement Mental Toughness, Mindset, and Grit

1. Embrace Challenges

Start viewing challenges not as threats but as opportunities for growth. When confronted with a difficult situation, instead of shrinking back, ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?" This shift in perspective reinforces a high agency mindset and cultivates mental toughness by reinforcing your belief in your ability to handle challenges.

2. Build a Growth Mindset

Developed by psychologist Carol Dweck, the concept of a growth mindset is central to fostering grit. This involves believing that most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Embrace learning, and view failures as opportunities to grow rather than as a reflection of your abilities.

3. Set Long-Term Goals

Grit grows in the soil of long-term goals. Set ambitious yet realistic goals that stretch over months or even years. These goals give you a direction and purpose, making the inevitable obstacles less daunting and more of a part of the journey.

4. Practice Stress Management Techniques

Mental toughness is not about ignoring stress but learning how to manage it. Techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, and positive visualization can help maintain focus and calmness under pressure. October Health's digital group sessions offer guided activities in these areas.

5. Foster Self-Discipline and Determination

Self-discipline is the foundation of achieving any goal. It's about making the right choices that align with your goals, even when they're the hard choices. Practice setting small, daily goals that are steps towards your larger goal. Achieving these will build your sense of self-discipline and determination.

6. Engage in Continuous Learning

A mentally tough individual knows there is always room for improvement. Adopt coachability by seeking feedback and learning from both successes and failures. Continuous learning not only helps in achieving your goals but also builds confidence and self-belief.

7. Regularly Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful tool in building mental toughness and grit. Spend time regularly imagining completing your goals. Visualization not only increases motivation but can also prepare your brain to act in the ways necessary to achieve success.


Cultivating Mental Toughness, Mindset, and Grit is a journey, not a destination. It requires ongoing effort, reflection, and adaptation. Remember, October Health is here to support you on this path with resources, digital sessions, and content designed to strengthen your mental fitness. By investing in these aspects of your mental well-being, you prepare yourself not just to face the world's challenges but to thrive amidst them.

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