How To Suggest A Staff Member Seeks Ment... - October Health

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How To Suggest A Staff Member Seeks Mental Care?

As an employer, it can be difficult to know when a staff member is struggling with their mental health. It’s important to be aware of the signs of mental health issues and to have strategies in place to support employees who may be struggling. One of the most challenging aspects of managing mental health in the workplace is knowing how to suggest that a staff member seeks professional help for their mental health.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the steps to take when suggesting that a staff member seeks mental health care, from recognizing signs of distress to delivering the message in a supportive and compassionate way.

Recognizing Signs of Distress

The first step in suggesting that a staff member seeks mental health care is recognizing signs of distress that could indicate a need for help. These signs can be physical, emotional, and behavioral, and vary from person to person. Examples of signs to look for include:

  • Increased absenteeism
  • Lack of motivation
  • Changes in behavior or attitude
  • Changes in sleeping and/or eating habits
  • Increased irritability or outbursts
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or social interactions

If you notice any of these signs in a staff member, it’s important to take notice and consider having a conversation to suggest that they seek help.

Choosing the Right Time and Place

Before you have the conversation, it’s important to choose the right time and place. Ideally, the conversation should take place in a private setting, such as a closed office or meeting room. This will help ensure that the staff member feels comfortable and safe to share their feelings.

Timing is also important. Make sure the staff member isn’t feeling rushed or under pressure when you talk. It’s also important to consider the staff member’s workload and make sure that the conversation does not take them away from their work for too long.

Delivering the Message

When delivering the message, it’s important to be sensitive and compassionate. Make sure you make it clear that you care about the staff member’s well-being and that you’re not judging them or trying to control their decisions.

Start the conversation by expressing your concerns and asking if they are open to talking about their mental health. For example, you can say something like “I’ve noticed some changes in your behavior and I’m concerned about your well-being. Are you open to talking about what’s going on?”

Once you have an initial conversation, you can suggest that they seek professional help. Explain that you care about their well-being and that you think seeking help is the best way to get the support they need.

You can also provide resources, such as contact information for a mental health professional or a list of helplines. Make sure the staff member knows that you’re available to talk anytime and that you’re willing to support them through their journey.

Follow Up

Once the conversation is over, it’s important to follow up with the staff member to make sure they’re getting the help they need. You can follow up by sending an email or checking in with the staff member in person.

It’s also important to create an environment in which the staff member feels comfortable discussing their mental health. Make sure you are open to talking about mental health and that you create a supportive workplace culture.


Suggesting that a staff member seeks mental health care can be a challenging task. It’s important to recognize the signs of distress, choose the right time and place for the conversation, deliver the message in a supportive and compassionate way, and follow up to make sure the staff member is getting the help they need. By following these steps, employers can create a supportive workplace environment and ensure that their staff members get the help they need.

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