Releasing Emotional Baggage - October Health

3 days from now 2024-09-22 09:00

Releasing Emotional Baggage

Join us for a session on "Releasing Emotional Baggage" where you'll learn techniques to let go of past hurts and emotional weight. Discover tools for forgiveness, acceptance, and moving forward with a lighter emotional load. Mark, our passionate mental health professional, leads engaging sessions that cover various mental health topics. As a counselor and wellness therapist, Mark aims to destigmatize mental health and promote resilience through performance psychology. Please remember that the content provided by October is educational and supportive in nature. It is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have clinical needs, please reach out to a licensed healthcare provider. In case of emergencies, utilize the emergency button on our app or contact your nearest emergency department.

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Hosted By
Mark Ray
Host Rating
South Africa
United States of America

Your Forest guide

What will we cover?

Let go of past hurts and emotional weight.
Attending the Forest session on "Releasing Emotional Baggage" with Mark can help you learn techniques to let go of past hurts and emotional weight, promoting forgiveness, acceptance, and moving forward with a lighter emotional load.
Tools for forgiveness, acceptance, and moving forward.
Learning tools for forgiveness, acceptance, and moving forward helps individuals let go of past hurts, release emotional weight, and create space for healing and growth.
Mark destigmatizes mental health and promotes resilience.
By leading engaging sessions and covering various mental health topics, Mark helps destigmatize mental health and empowers individuals to build resilience through performance psychology.
Educational and supportive content, not a substitute for professional help.
This session offers educational and supportive content to teach techniques for releasing emotional baggage, but it is not a substitute for professional advice from licensed healthcare providers.

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