Sedi Manthoko in the Forest - October Health

Sedi Manthoko

Are you a fan of Sedi Manthoko? Here are all the upcoming sessions for you to join!

2 days from now // 2024-07-29 18:00
The Power of Positivite Self-Talk
Discover how transforming your inner dialogue can significantly impact your mental and emotional well-being. Sedi is an executive business coach dedicated to uplifting others and driving progress. As a thought leader with a COMENSA accreditation, she champions Radical, Ethical, and Authentic Leadership (REAL) principles. October provides educational and supportive content...

1 week from now // 2024-08-05 18:00
Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
Are you stuck in a fixed mindset that's limiting your potential? Sedi is an executive business coach dedicated to uplifting others and driving progress. As a thought leader with a COMENSA accreditation, she champions Radical, Ethical, and Authentic Leadership (REAL) principles. October provides educational and supportive content only. It's not...