Building your Brand, Confidence and Career Clarity with... - October Health

1 week from now 2024-11-04 20:00

Building your Brand, Confidence and Career Clarity with Sibahle

In the session "Building Your Brand, Confidence, and Career Clarity with Sibahle," join Sibahle Magadla, a development economist and career coach, as she leads you in defining your true north, enhancing confidence, and aligning your skills with purpose. Together, you'll create a personalized career strategy tailored to your aspirations and unleash your full potential. Sibahle utilizes an integrated coaching approach that emphasizes inner growth, overcoming self-limiting beliefs, and fostering purpose-driven work to unlock your capabilities. Please note that October offers educational and supportive content, and is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have clinical needs, it is crucial to seek assistance from a licensed healthcare provider. In case of emergencies, contact your nearest emergency department or use the emergency button on our app.

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Hosted By
Jamie Robertson
Host Rating
South Africa
United States of America

Your Forest guide

What will we cover?

Define true north, boost confidence, align skills with purpose.
This session with Sibahle helps individuals clarify their career direction, increase self-assurance, and connect their abilities with their overarching goals.
Create personalized career strategy to unleash full potential.
Attending "Building Your Brand, Confidence, and Career Clarity with Sibahle" helps by guiding you to align your skills with purpose, overcome self-limiting beliefs, and develop a personalized career strategy for unleashing your full potential.
Overcome self-limiting beliefs and foster purpose-driven work.
This session helps individuals overcome self-limiting beliefs and find purpose by defining their true north, enhancing confidence, and aligning skills with personal aspirations.
Enhance inner growth and unlock capabilities for career clarity.
Join our session with Sibahle to focus on defining your true north, boosting confidence, and aligning skills with purpose—empowering you to unlock your full potential and find career clarity through inner growth.

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