Kaylee Julian in the Forest - October Health

Kaylee Julian

Are you a fan of Kaylee Julian? Here are all the upcoming sessions for you to join!

5 days from now // 2024-05-24 11:00
Feeling flat? Let's change that.
Are you coasting through your days feeling emotionally flat, unmotivated, and disconnected from any sense of meaning? You may be languising. Discover why languishing acts like an anchor, weighing you down and learn how to get out of the slump. About Kaylee: Kaylee is a counsellor with a passion for...

6 days from now // 2024-05-25 09:00
Losing Faith in your Relationship?
Reignite purpose and meaning when faith in your relationship wanes. Rediscover shared values, goals, and the reasons you fell in love. About Kaylee: Kaylee is a counsellor with a passion for children, adolescents, but also works with adults, and offers relationship counselling. Her life purpose is to make the world...

6 days from now // 2024-05-25 15:00
Embrace Your Shape: Building a Positive Body Imagemental well-being
Embrace self-love and acceptance by cultivating a positive body image and celebrating individual beauty in all its forms. About Kaylee: Kaylee is a counsellor with a passion for children, adolescents, but also works with adults, and offers relationship counselling. Her life purpose is to make the world a better place...

1 week from now // 2024-05-28 09:00
Unlocking Your Potential: Setting and Achieving Meaningful Goals
Explore strategies to boost confidence and achieve success by setting specific, attainable goals that align with your values and aspirations. Learn how to harness the power of belief in yourself to unlock your full potential and drive meaningful progress in your personal and professional life. About Kaylee: Kaylee is a...

1 week from now // 2024-05-29 09:00
Redefine your Habits
Unlock the transformative power of micro-habits and discover how incremental changes can lead to monumental results in your personal and professional pursuits. About Kaylee: Kaylee is a counsellor with a passion for children, adolescents, but also works with adults, and offers relationship counselling. Her life purpose is to make the...

1 week from now // 2024-05-31 09:00
Mindful Eating: Nourishing Your Body and Mind
Discover the powerful connection between your mind and body through mindful eating strategies, nurturing a healthier relationship with food and overall well-being. Explore the benefits of being fully present during meals to enhance your eating experience and foster a deeper sense of self-awareness. About Kaylee: Kaylee is a counsellor with...

1 week from now // 2024-06-01 10:00
Mindful Mornings: Starting Your Day with Purpose and Presence
Kickstart your day with intention and mindfulness, setting the stage for a day filled with productivity and well-being. Join us to explore morning mindfulness rituals that enhance focus, clarity and energy. About Kaylee: Kaylee is a counsellor with a passion for children, adolescents, but also works with adults, and offers...

2 weeks from now // 2024-06-04 13:00
Harnessing the Power of Visualization for Goal Achievement
Learn how to use the power of visualization to enhance your goal-setting process and increase your chances of achieving success. Discover practical techniques to mentally rehearse your goals and create a clear pathway towards reaching them. About Kaylee: Kaylee is a counsellor with a passion for children, adolescents, but also...

2 weeks from now // 2024-06-05 09:00
Bending Reality: How Mindset Shapes Our Lives
Understand the profound impact your mindset has on outcomes and learn frameworks for developing empowering beliefs. About Kaylee: Kaylee is a counsellor with a passion for children, adolescents, but also works with adults, and offers relationship counselling. Her life purpose is to make the world a better place by working...