Lyr Weltsman in the Forest - October Health

Lyr Weltsman

Are you a fan of Lyr Weltsman? Here are all the upcoming sessions for you to join!

1 day from now // 2024-07-28 08:00
Mastering Sunday for a Stress-Free Week
Turn your Sunday into a powerhouse of preparation! Learn how to plan your meals, schedule, and key tasks efficiently to ensure a smooth, stress-free week ahead Lyr Weltsman is a child, adolescent, and family counselor with a passion and specializations in CBT, anxiety, family and parental counseling, and mood disorders....

1 day from now // 2024-07-28 17:00
Reclaiming Body Sovereignty: Overcoming Society's Toxic Ideals
Join this healing journey to shed destructive beauty standards and love your body. Lyr Weltsman is a child, adolescent, and family counselor with a passion and specializations in CBT, anxiety, family and parental counseling, and mood disorders. October provides educational and supportive content only. It's not a replacement for professional...

2 days from now // 2024-07-29 09:00
Simple Practices for Everyday Self-Care
Discover simple and effective self-care practices that fit into your daily routine and enhance your overall well-being. Learn how incorporating small moments of joy can significantly improve your mental and physical health Lyr Weltsman is a child, adolescent, and family counselor with a passion and specializations in CBT, anxiety, family...

3 days from now // 2024-07-30 08:00
Unlocking the Champion Mindset
Uncover the mindset secrets of champions, empowering you to overcome obstacles and achieve your highest aspirations. Lyr Weltsman is a child, adolescent, and family counselor with a pas October provides educational and supportive content only. It's not a replacement for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Do not ignore or avoid...

4 days from now // 2024-07-31 08:00
Grit and Determination: The Keys to Long-Term Resilience
Delve into the concepts of grit and determination as essential components of resilience. Learn how to cultivate perseverance and a strong work ethic to achieve long-term goals. Lyr Weltsman is a child, adolescent, and family counselor with a passion and specializations in CBT, anxiety, family and parental counseling, and mood...

6 days from now // 2024-08-02 08:00
The Friday Unwind: Techniques for Mental Decompression
Master the art of mental decompression on Fridays to transition into your weekend stress-free. Explore mindfulness and relaxation techniques that help clear your mind, soothe stress, and restore balance. Lyr Weltsman is a child, adolescent, and family counselor with a passion and specializations in CBT, anxiety, family and parental counseling,...

1 week from now // 2024-08-05 11:00
Workplace Well-being: Creating Disability-Friendly Environments
Discuss the importance of and methods for creating inclusive workplaces that not only hire individuals with disabilities but also support and enable them to thrive. Lyr Weltsman is a child, adolescent, and family counselor with a passion and specializations in CBT, anxiety, family and parental counseling, and mood disorders. October...

1 week from now // 2024-08-07 17:00
Monthly Parenting Support Network
Join our Parenting Support Network, an open line for all parents. Connect with fellow parents to share the ups and downs of raising children. Bring a friend and find support, advice, and understanding in a welcoming environment. Lyr Weltsman is a child, adolescent, and family counselor with a passion and...

2 weeks from now // 2024-08-11 10:00
New Mom Survival Guide
Join us as we discuss the common challenges new moms face, from sleep deprivation to feelings of isolation, and explore strategies for coping and finding support. Lyr Weltsman is a child, adolescent, and family counselor with a passion and specializations in CBT, anxiety, family and parental counseling, and mood disorders....

2 weeks from now // 2024-08-11 18:00
Parenting the Neurodivergent Child: Strategies for Nurturing Strengths
Navigate the unique challenges and rewards of raising a neurodivergent child with practical strategies for fostering their talents and supporting their growth. Lyr Weltsman is a child, adolescent, and family counselor with a passion and specializations in CBT, anxiety, family and parental counseling, and mood disorders. October provides educational and...