Thando Msimango in the Forest - October Health

Thando Msimango

Are you a fan of Thando Msimango? Here are all the upcoming sessions for you to join!

2 days from now // 2024-09-21 09:00
Signs of Adrenal Fatigue
Learn to recognize the signs of adrenal fatigue and explore holistic approaches to restore balance and vitality. Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development and academia. She has a great interest in indigenous knowledge and practices in the field of...

3 days from now // 2024-09-22 19:00
The Art of Saying No: Setting Healthy Boundaries
Learn how to set and maintain healthy boundaries in personal and professional relationships. This session provides practical tools to help you say no without guilt and protect your energy. Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development and academia. She has...

5 days from now // 2024-09-24 10:00
Parenting in the LGBTQIA+ Community
Discuss the unique challenges and joys of parenting as an LGBTQIA+ individual or couple. Topics include navigating adoption and surrogacy, dealing with discrimination, and creating a nurturing environment for children. Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development and academia. She...

1 week from now // 2024-09-28 09:00
From Stress to Strength: Mastering Emotional Regulation
Learn how to navigate through challenging emotions and build resilience in the face of adversity. Discover strategies to transform stress into opportunities for personal growth and strength. Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development and academia. She has a great...

1 week from now // 2024-09-28 15:00
Coping with the Psychological Effects of Chronic Illness
Delve into the emotional challenges that accompany chronic illness, such as anxiety, depression, and frustration. This session offers coping mechanisms and therapeutic approaches to help manage the psychological toll of chronic health conditions. Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development...

1 week from now // 2024-09-29 08:00
The Art of Happiness
Let's explore and learn how to cultivate inner peace, gratitude and a happy life Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development and academia. She has a great interest in indigenous knowledge and practices in the field of Social Work. Her...

2 weeks from now // 2024-10-05 10:00
Gut Instincts: Listening to Your Gut for Mental Wellness
Tap into the wisdom of your gut and learn to interpret its signals for better mental health. Discover how gut instincts can guide decision-making, emotional regulation, and stress management. Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development and academia. She has...

3 weeks from now // 2024-10-12 10:00
Unlocking the Gut-Brain Connection
Delve into the fascinating relationship between gut health and mental wellness, uncovering how the gut microbiome influences mood, cognition, and emotional balance. Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development and academia. She has a great interest in indigenous knowledge and...

3 weeks from now // 2024-10-13 10:00
Holistic Approaches to Managing Obesity: Beyond Diet and Exercise
Discover holistic strategies for managing obesity that go beyond traditional diet and exercise plans. This session covers behavioral changes, mindfulness practices, and alternative therapies that support sustainable weight management. Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development and academia. She has...

3 weeks from now // 2024-10-13 16:00
Open Line with Thando
Unwind and recharge in this safe space - step away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, take a deep breath, and relax. It's time to check out for the day, unwind and chat about the day's events. Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia...

1 month from now // 2024-10-19 10:00
Healing through Nature: Exploring Green Therapy
Discover how connecting with nature can be a tool for coping with deep emotional pain, providing solace and a sense of renewal during difficult times. Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development and academia. She has a great interest in...

1 month from now // 2024-10-20 10:00
Breaking the Comparison Trap
Learn how to stop comparing your body to others, both online and offline. This session provides mindfulness and self-awareness techniques to combat comparison and build confidence in your unique self. Thando is a Social Work Professional in the field of academia with a passion for community development and academia. She...