Parents Corner - Content Hub - October Health

October Hubs

Parents Corner

Parenting can have a significant impact on a child's mental well-being. Positive and nurturing parenting practices, such as showing love and support, setting boundaries, and providing a safe environment, can help children develop good self-esteem, emotional regulation, and resilience. On the other hand, adverse parenting experiences, such as neglect, abuse, or inconsistent discipline, can contribute to the development of mental health issues in children. Furthermore, parents' own mental well-being plays a crucial role in how they interact with their children. Parents who are struggling with their own mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression, may find it challenging to provide the support and care that their children need. Overall, maintaining good mental well-being as a parent is important for creating a positive and healthy environment for children to thrive in. Seeking help and support when needed, practicing self-care, and working on developing positive parenting skills can all contribute to fostering a strong parent-child relationship and promoting mental well-being in the family.

Upcoming Forests

Join in on these recommended group sessions.

14 minutes from now @ 18:00
Hosted on Monday by Dr. Gail Ashford
South Africa
Women's Monthly HIV & Reproductive Support with Dr. Gail Ashford
Women living with HIV often have many questions about their health, their future, their sex life, their fertility and family planning, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Dr. Gail is here to answer questions, engage in discussion, and offer expert insights. About Gail: Dr Gail is an HIV clinician who has worked with...
1 day from now @ 23:00
Hosted on Tuesday by Adam Yasmin
South Africa United States of America
Winning the Battle Against Digital Addiction for Your Kids
In today's digital world, screens are everywhere – TVs, smartphones, tablets, computers. Join us to learn practical strategies to break your family's screen addiction cycle and reclaim your kids from the clutches of digital obsession Adam: Adam is a former UX designer turned certified digital well-being educator and facilitator of...
2 days from now @ 19:00
Hosted on Wednesday by Lyr Weltsman
South Africa
Monthly Parenting Support Network with Lyr Weltsman
Join our Monthly Parenting Support Network, an open line for all parents. Connect with fellow parents to share the ups and downs of raising children. Bring a friend and find support, advice, and understanding in a welcoming environment. A little about Lyr: Lyr Weltsman is the founder of BreakingTheChalk, a...
2 days from now @ 20:00
Hosted on Wednesday by Palesa_Morabe
South Africa
Parenting Practice Series: Personal Development in Single Parenthood
Parenting solo presents unique challenges, demanding resilience and adaptability. In this session, we delve into the crucial role of personal development for single parents. Discover how intentional self-growth fosters not only individual fulfillment but also enhances parenting skills and family dynamics. About Palesa: Palesa Morabe, a Mom, Author, and Social...
5 days from now @ 20:00
Hosted on Saturday by Sarah Kabengele
South Africa United States of America
New Mom Survival Guide
Join us as we discuss the common challenges new moms face, from sleep deprivation to feelings of isolation, and explore strategies for coping and finding support. About Sarah: Sarah is a mental health educator with a passion for understanding mental illness as well as mental well-being from a feminist/decolonised perspective....

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