Zoila Bartra in the Forest - October Health

Zoila Bartra

Are you a fan of Zoila Bartra? Here are all the upcoming sessions for you to join!

3 days from now // 2024-05-21 01:00
Visualize your victory
Learn how to transform your dreams into achievable milestones through strategic planning and actionable steps. Discover the power of setting clear objectives and staying motivated on the path towards success. About Zoila: Zoila is a dedicated and compassionate Peer Specialist with extensive experience and a strong trained foundation in overcoming...

4 days from now // 2024-05-22 01:00
The Art of Active Listening: Enhancing Relationships and Mental Well-being
This session will explore the skills and techniques of active listening to strengthen connections and improve mental wellness. Participants will learn strategies to enhance understanding, empathy, and communication effectiveness in various relationships. About Zoila: October provides educational and supportive content only. It's not a replacement for professional advice, diagnosis or...

5 days from now // 2024-05-22 23:00
Finding Light in Loss
A compassionate discussion on navigating the complex emotions of grief, honoring your journey, and rediscovering purpose after profound loss. About Zoila: Zoila is a dedicated and compassionate Peer Specialist with extensive experience and a strong trained foundation in overcoming grief, anxiety, addiction, and other mental health challenges. October provides educational...

6 days from now // 2024-05-24 01:00
Mind Over Chatter: Navigating the Noisy World of Social Media
Unpack the complex relationship between social media and mental health, and explore how to stay connected without compromising well-being. About Zoila: Zoila is a dedicated and compassionate Peer Specialist with extensive experience and a strong trained foundation in overcoming grief, anxiety, addiction, and other mental health challenges. October provides educational...

1 week from now // 2024-05-25 00:00
The energy of emotions: Harnessing emotional intelligence for mental well-being
Explore how understanding and managing emotions can positively impact mental health and well-being. Learn practical strategies to harness the power of emotional intelligence in daily life. About Zoila: Zoila is a dedicated and compassionate Peer Specialist with extensive experience and a strong trained foundation in overcoming grief, anxiety, addiction, and...

1 week from now // 2024-05-27 23:00
Unlocking Your Potential: Setting and Achieving Meaningful Goals
Explore strategies to boost confidence and achieve success by setting specific, attainable goals that align with your values and aspirations. Learn how to harness the power of belief in yourself to unlock your full potential and drive meaningful progress in your personal and professional life. About Zoila: Zoila is a...

1 week from now // 2024-05-28 01:00
Sleeponomics: Sleep Hacks
How improving sleep boosts your productivity and overall wellness. About Zoila: Zoila is a dedicated and compassionate Peer Specialist with extensive experience and a strong trained foundation in overcoming grief, anxiety, addiction, and other mental health challenges. October provides educational and supportive content only. It's not a replacement for professional...

1 week from now // 2024-05-30 01:00
From sorrow to strength: Transforming loss into personal growth
Explore techniques to navigate through difficult emotions and experiences of grief, fostering personal growth and resilience in the process. Gain insights on transforming pain into strength, ultimately paving the way for healing and moving forward. About Zoila: Zoila is a dedicated and compassionate Peer Specialist with extensive experience and a...

1 week from now // 2024-05-30 23:00
What may be triggering your anxiety?
Explore common triggers of anxiety and gain insights into identifying and managing them effectively in your daily life. About Zoila: Zoila is a dedicated and compassionate Peer Specialist with extensive experience and a strong trained foundation in overcoming grief, anxiety, addiction, and other mental health challenges. October provides educational and...

2 weeks from now // 2024-06-01 00:00
Remembering and Rebuilding: Moving Forward After Loss
Learn strategies to honor your memories while forging a path to personal recovery and rebuilding. This session discusses how to balance remembering a loved one with taking steps towards a new normal. About Zoila: Zoila is a dedicated and compassionate Peer Specialist with extensive experience and a strong trained foundation...