Mastering the Art of Storytelling | Coaching - October Health

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Mastering the Art of Storytelling

'Mastering the Art of Storytelling' is a 4-week coaching course that teaches participants essential techniques on crafting, telling and sharing their stories in a meaningful and impactful way using various storytelling styles and mediums. Through practical exercises and personalized guidance, participants will master the art of storytelling and learn how to inspire, entertain, and connect with their target audience.

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What will be covered?

Essential techniques for crafting compelling stories: Participants will learn how to structure and develop their stories to captivate and engage their audience effectively.
The Mastering the Art of Storytelling coaching course provides essential techniques to help participants structure and develop their stories with precision, ensuring they capture and maintain their audience's attention. By mastering these techniques, participants can effectively engage their audience through compelling storytelling that resonates and inspires.
Various storytelling styles and mediums: Participants will explore different storytelling styles such as personal narratives, fiction, and visual storytelling, as well as different mediums like written, spoken, and digital storytelling.
Participants in the course will have the opportunity to experiment with various storytelling styles, allowing them to develop a diverse range of storytelling techniques. By exploring different mediums such as written, spoken, and digital storytelling, participants can enhance their ability to effectively communicate their stories to a wider audience.

On average, companies see an ROI of 700% from coaching.

Coaching leads to an average ROI of almost 650% for executives and over 700% for managers and professionals, and organizational performance improvements of 45-50% for individuals, and 15-20% for teams.


Increase in retention

For staff having engaged in coaching.


Average ROI on coaching

For managers, executives and professionals.


Increase in team performance

For teams engaged in coaching programs.

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