How Do I Stay Motivated To Self-care In... - October Health

October Blog posted in Mental Health

How do I stay motivated to self-care in 2023?

Mental health and self-care have become increasingly important over the past few years. The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the impact that health and mindset have on our general well-being and ability to cope. For many, with a new year comes renewed hope and a chance for new beginnings. Yet the new year's resolutions to take better care of ourselves seem to taper off after a month or two.

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Sustained, long-lasting behavioral change comes from a mindset that is grounded in meaning and discipline. In order to attach meaning to positive lifestyle changes, ask yourself where your need for change comes from and what makes self-care important to you. If your motivation for self-care is rooted in external validation, it might be more challenging to create meaning. To become disciplined, build on self-esteem and self-worth in order to commit to yourself daily through new healthy habits.

Here are a few tips on maintaining the changes and focusing on self-care: 

  1. Start with one to two small changes. This could be as simple as drinking 1.5 liters of water a day or making your bed every morning. 
  2. Track your progress. Use a journal, and do not diminish small improvements in pursuit of big, visible changes.
  3. Celebrate small wins by rewarding yourself in healthy ways 
  4. Remember the "why" question you asked yourself? Reconnect with the purpose of your behavioral change and use your health as a motivator rather than what society deems as 'healthy'.
  5. Have goals, but take it one day at a time.

To build more motivation and gain support from others who might share similar experiences, download the app and join a session in the Panda Forest. Sessions run every weekday from 8am - 10pm and 10am - 10pm on weekends. You can also host or propose a session on any topic that interests you.

Posted by Dave Blakey


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