Mental well-being - Free Mental Health App - October Health

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Download October

Right care, right time for a healthy mind.

We are on a mission to democratize mental health care by empowering people to be proactive on their mental health journey.

The October Mental Health mobile app provides powerful October group sessions in the Forest, assessments, tailored content and more.

Download October for free today.

App screenshot

Level up

Understand and improve your
mental well-being

October learns about you and your needs, and provides content that is tailored to you as you join our gym for your mind.

Digital Group Sessions
The October Forest is an easy entry point to learning about your mental health. A safe space to learn, ask questions, and listen to others on topics from parenting to depression.
Track and Measure
October helps you to assess and track your mental health - providing you with tools to objectively measure how you are doing so that you can ensure optimal mental well-being.
Right Care, Right Time
From our drop in digital Forest sessions to assessments, always available AI chat and more, October will guide you through the right care at the right time for you.
Results Driven Care
Using October 8 times a month leads to a 15% month-on-month improvement in mental well-being - that's just twice a week on average!

October is free.

The basic October app is available for all users, free of charge. With 14 daily sessions, content, assessments, and more, you can get started with October today.

Everything you need

Contained in one easy-to-use app

October provides proactive and reactive care, as well as a range of tools to help you manage your mental health.

Rated 5 stars
Live Group Forests
Anonymously join the Forest at any time to listen in to topics from anxiety to depression, parenting to work-life balance and more. Find your community and support others!
Safe and Secure
You choose how and when to disclose information, and can participate in group sessions without providing any personally identifiable information.
October helps you to assess and track your mental health - providing you with tools to objectively measure how you are doing.
Self-guided content
Check out our library of resources which will provide you with content to learn and practice mental well-being.
AI mentorship, support and coaching
Leading-edge AI support from Luna, our always-online artificial intelligence. Luna provides mentorship, guidance, support and coaching at scale.
Write in your October journal daily, and score how you feel, to keep track of your mental wellness journey.

Precision, targeted care

Unique care for unique people

October's artificial intelligence (known as October AI or the October Companion) develops a deep understanding of every user - allowing us to treat every user as an individual.

Content for you.
October AI learns about you and your needs, and provides content that is tailored to you, and written specifically for you.
Personalized journey.
October AI learns about you and your needs, and provides content, recommendations and assessments that are tailored specifically to you.
Chat to your coach.
The October Coach is available for you to chat to, and will provide you with support and guidance, and even generates content to superpower your proactive HR teams.
October Logo

Download October for free today.