2 days from now 2024-10-09 11:00
Session Title: Embracing Authenticity and Overcoming the Fear of Judgment for Individuals with Disabilities. Join us in exploring how the fear of judgment hinders self-expression among those with disabilities. This session delves into the impact of societal pressures and delivers practical strategies to conquer these obstacles. By doing so, you can confidently embrace your unique identity and foster personal growth unhindered. Carrie Hickman is a seasoned wellness strategist with a focus on enhancing mental well-being awareness, strategies, and personal development. Her expertise lies in crafting tailored approaches for individuals embarking on their wellness journey. Please note that October provides educational and supportive content exclusively. It is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is essential not to disregard seeking assistance from a qualified professional due to information obtained from the app. In case of clinical needs, please reach out to a licensed healthcare provider. For emergencies, utilize the emergency button located at the top right-hand corner of our app or contact your nearest emergency department.
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Upcoming Forests with Carrie Hickman